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App not working - reports can't be submitted

Since downloaded last update to v. 3.9.3 the Clean Islington version of the app does not allow me to submit new reports. I get no confirmation pop up notice of submission of new report. When I return to app later the previous report shows in my saved reports section. Please help.

1 person has this question

Hi Greg,

If the app allows you to send (ie you've selected a category and everything is complete) and then doesn't actually manage it, it will put it in your saved reports so it doesn't lose it.  If this is a one off it could be that you didn't have a good data connection and so couldn't send.  If this is constantly happening if you could raise a support ticket we can work through the issue on your specific device.



Can't make a report. When I try to give location does not recognise address after giving road and nearest house number and town.

Hi Raymond,

If you could raise a support ticket (email [email protected]) then we look at your specific issue.  I would recommending searching on just the street name or postcode.  If you can raise a ticket and let me know the where you are and where you are searching for then we can review why google/bing is not finding that for you.

